Helping health practitioners to reach their full
potential & dream clients through marketing
When I first became a health practitioner, I went about it all the wrong way.
I thought I was doing the right things:
- Getting two clinic rooms in the inner eastern suburbs of Melbourne
- Ordering business cards
- Collaborating with anyone who would take me on
But instead, I lost about $10,000 over the first 3 months. In fact, I was earning more as a sales assistant at my casual job than I was as a degree-qualified nutritionist!
Not to mention I was burning out and exhausted - I knew there had to be a better way to do it all.
Now it's my job to save you from making those same mistakes. I want you to become successful in your business - whether you want to work full-time as a practitioner, leverage yourself and help thousands, or you're considering a side hustle to pay the bills and allow you to find your place in the health world.