What's the secret to marketing in a way that feels good?

Sam Gemmell Finals-7

When you run your own business, you need to market yourself to build up your success and achieve your goals. But as practitioners, we don't just want to make money or hit a certain status level.

What we really want to do is transform lives.

That means that a lot of the typical marketing approaches you see out in the wider world? They don't really apply - or at least, not in their current form.

What is needed is an approach to marketing that both attracts paying clients (because we all have bills to pay and lives to lead) AND honours our intentions to serve.

And the secret sauce that can make that happen? Designing a marketing technique that is as tailored and unique to you as the client treatment plans you create every day.

That's why I'm offering my brand-new baby:

True To You Marketing Masterclass

How to infuse your passion & essence into your marketing to attract clients you love

During this jam-packed Masterclass, we'll take a deep dive into:

  • Why one-size-fits-all marketing approaches are crippling your reach
  • The biggest mistakes practitioners are making with their content & offers
  • How to build authentic relationships with your potential clients
  • The pathway from vaguely interested to raving true fan
  • When it's time to change it up, and when it's time to stick to your guns
  • My framework for developing a marketing method that is unique to you & your strengths

Plus at the end you'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about marketing yourself as a practitioner - I'm here to help!