Become a Health VA

When you’re studying to become a health practitioner, that old fear always creeps up.

‘What if I’m not good enough as a health practitioner to become successful?’

‘Do I really want to work in clinical practice, or is there something else I’d rather do?’

‘Has this been a complete waste of time and money?’

‘Can I make a sustainable income as a practitioner, or will I be stuck in my current job forever?’

Right now, you might be stuck working somewhere that is completely incompatible with who you are and who you want to become. It doesn’t make sense to keep burning yourself out in another industry, but right now it pays the bills.

Or maybe you’re relying on your partner or your family to bear the brunt until you hit the big-time income – even though you secretly worry that the time will never come.

Let me tell you from experience – this becomes a never-ending cycle of fear, chasing income, and never feeling confident in your ability to work as a successful health practitioner.

But what if you could transition into the wellness world right now, instead of waiting for your practice to become a raging success?

Imagine if you could find a side hustle that worked around your goals as a student or health practitioner. A source of income that can support you as you grow your practice - or even become a full-time wage if you prefer!

You can work when you want, as often as you want, with as many or as few people as you like. Want to be free for the school pick-up? Done. Wish you had more time for taking care of your own health? You got it. Want to set up so you can travel the country and the world once it reopens? All you need is your laptop and an internet connection!

Welcome to life as a successful virtual assistant working in the health industry.

How would I know? Because that’s my reality every single day – and now I want to share with you how you can create it too.

Samantha Gemmell
Samantha Knigge - Nutritionist | Content VA at Sam With Socials

“I took a leap of faith in 2021 and enrolled in Sam’s VA course when I was only half way through my clinical nutrition degree. I was hopeful, but I wasn’t too sure when I had to offer.

Sam's course provided some amazing guidance and reflection questions that helped me identify my strengths and skills in the area of reels/TikToks and short form video. It also offered me the guidance to make the first move into launching my business.

Within 2 weeks I had my first client! I couldn’t believe it! Two years on and I have just finished my degree, whilst running a healthy reels/tiktok and social media management side hustle with multiple clients!

The VA course was undoubtedly one of the best investments I made throughout my degree, and I couldn’t recommend enough! ”

Nutritionist | Content VA at Sam With Socials

Samantha Gemmell
Sarah Bairstow - Podcast VA at Happy Pod

“Working with Sam has been an absolute game changer for my business. Sam has given me endless value, confidence, and actionable steps to take towards my goals and my success!”

Podcast VA at Happy Pod

Samantha Gemmell
Maddi Brown - Health VA & Marketing Consultant at The Well Collective Creates

“Becoming a VA was something that had been on my mind for a number of years with a background in marketing and communications, but I lacked the understanding on how to get started - the processes that needed to be in place and most importantly how to find and keep clients.

The course definitely gave me all that and more including the confidence to go out and hustle! By week 2 I had secured my first paying client and by the end of the 6-week course I was in discussions with several practitioners.

Flash forward 4 months and I was able to resign from my job and am now 100% self employed working in my own business as a health VA. I am extremely privileged and proud to say I work with some of the best in the biz and I'm excited to see how my business continues to flourish and grow.”

Health VA & Marketing Consultant at The Well Collective Creates

Sam Gemmell Finals-7 Become A Health VA

Learn everything you need to do to build a successful health VA business so you can work from anywhere in a field you love!

AUD 997.00
Ash Drinnan - Student naturopath | Health VA at Ashley Elora Creative

“If you had told me 6 months ago I’d be wanting to quit my full-time corporate career to start a business as a content creator for wellness practitioners, I would have thought you were crazy! However, here I am, absolutely loving my new little side gig preparing to take it full-time!

I definitely wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for Sam, because like most business journeys, there have been plenty of ups & downs. Having someone to work through the hurdles with has been such a blessing, and if it wasn’t for Sam, I don’t think I would of made it through the first few bumps.

What I love most about Sam is she very much has the ability to meet you where you’re at. She acknowledges your strengths and your weaknesses and has the ability to discuss what perhaps needs a gentle nudge to keep moving forward, or when a brain storming session might be required when you need a bit more support.”

Student naturopath | Health VA at Ashley Elora Creative

Sam Gemmell Finals-7 Become A Health VA

Learn everything you need to do to build a successful health VA business so you can work from anywhere in a field you love!

AUD 997.00
Rhiannah Pohlman - Naturopath | Designer at Rhi Create

“Sam is the most generous and wonderful soul. She is matter-of-fact and incredibly giving in her resources.

This course gave me the confidence to start my VA business and the ongoing support is going to be incredible.

The #1 thing I took away from this course is that you can do whatever you want as a health VA and support yourself without compromising your values.”

Naturopath | Designer at Rhi Create

Can you make it as a health VA?

Put simply - if you want to, you can absolutely make it happen!

There are over 150,000 allied and complementary health practitioners in Australia alone. Physiotherapists, chiropractors, nutritionists, naturopaths, massage therapists and acupuncturists are just some of the clients you could be working with.

You can also work alongside other health-related companies including supplement companies, health food companies and even other businesses that support the health world (think graphic designers, web designers, business coaches and copywriters)

Many health practitioners are looking to outsource tasks, but often find that a regular VA just doesn’t get their purpose, market and legal & ethical restrictions. So believe it or not, there is a massive gap in the market for health VAs that are studying or qualified as a health practitioner.


That's why I created...

The Health VA Crash Course

Everything you need to know to become a successful virtual assistant in the world of wellness

Learn how to:

  • Set up a business as a health virtual assistant
  • Attract amazing clients who rave about you and refer others your way
  • Offer your unique skillset across areas including admin, marketing, social media, blogging, customer service and more
      • Price yourself so that you don’t end up burning out
      • Use some of the best VA tools on the market (while avoiding the worst!)
      • Continue to learn and grow so you can increase your value and income long-term!
Sam Gemmell 2018-15

Here's how it works:

This program contains 6 main modules of content plus a bonus module, all designed to help you create your dream health VA business.

We'll cover:

  • Setting up your VA business
  • Finding and signing clients
  • Managing clients
  • The key VA services you can offer
  • The best tools for a VA business
  • Long-term mindset and growth of your business

PLUS you'll receive access to these juicy bonuses:

  • The Social Media Masterclass - how you can market yourself as a health VA and build your client base using social media
  • Juicy discount rates for 1:1 mentoring and group mentoring options
  • Priority access to job callouts via the Health VA Job Board (as well as exclusive access to VIP callouts)
  • Access to every single bonus that is added to the course in the future!

Because everyone learns a little bit differently, I've made sure to include different forms of content including videos, checklists, templates and guides. These are designed to help you decide what YOUR ideal business looks like - based on your skills, your goals and how you want your business to serve you!

What if you need a little extra support? I've got you covered - you can jump into our closed Facebook group to ask questions or request an additional resource.

And if that wasn't enough juicy goodness, you will have access to all of this for the lifetime of the course!

What if you just decided to become a VA and jump in without any prep, guidance or peer support?

Well, I can tell you that too – because that was how it was when I first started. If you start offering yourself as a VA without doing the groundwork, you’ll find yourself:

  • Neglecting the fundamentals (which could end in a pricey legal battle, ouch!)
  • Finding clients who don’t value your services, push your boundaries and crush your confidence
  • Taking on too much work because you’re undercharging and constantly chasing more income
  • Saying yes to work you’re not comfortable or interested in doing
  • Having to try every new tech and platform by yourself to figure out what works best

All of these mean that it could be years before your VA business is sustainable, let alone giving you the freedom you’re seeking.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a student practitioner – can I become a VA now, or do I need to graduate?

You can start today! Practitioners love hiring students as VAs, as they want to foster the next generation of health practitioners and work with people who are passionate about wellness.

Is there a payment plan option?

Absolutely - I want to make sure this is accessible for you. That's why there are weekly and monthly payment plans available.

Simply select the payment plan option at the checkout.

How long do I have access to the content? I’m not sure if I have time to complete it right now!

Don’t stress – you retain access to the content for the lifetime of the course.

Psst - this includes any bonus resources that I will be adding in the future!

What if I have additional questions about the content?

The awesome thing about Simplero is that you can leave comments on individual lessons for me to respond to!

So if you have a question, all you have to do is ask on the lesson and I typically will respond within a week.

Is there any ongoing support included?

You bet there is! All participants and graduates are invited to join our closed Facebook group. In the group, I share additional resources and other helpful goodies.

You're also welcome to celebrate your wins, seek out a VA with complementary skills to collaborate with, or ask any questions you might have.

You'll also be added to the Health VA Job Board and get first access to many client opportunities (as well as exclusive access to VIP callouts)

I don't have any VA skills under my belt. Can I still start working as a health VA?

Don't underestimate yourself, friend! Everyone picks up skills - even soft skills - that can feed into health VA work. 

While it is easier to kickstart a business if you do have skills in areas such as social media, marketing, design or admin, it's not a must. 

Don't believe me? I actually started my business with no formal training or skills in anything related to VA work (all I had was a nutrition degree and a cert 3 in fitness!)

During the course, I walk you through how to identify your skills and what you can offer. Plus there are also some resources to help you learn new VA skills!

Ready to jump in?

Pay in full Payment plan